Over the last 17 years I have worked in the two largest appearance medicine companies in NZ & an overseas experience to the cosmetic mecca, Harley St in London. In this time I’ve become familiar with all things skin and I’ve learnt how to fine tune skincare regimens with a range of different treatments. These include advanced skin care & cosmeceuticals, lasers & IPL’s – skin rejuvenation, tattoo removal, acne treatment and anti-wrinkle freshening with injectables. There has also been a huge amount of learning, research and training along the way. I’ve had some amazing educators, attended great conferences and kept up to date with the latest safety in practice.
My journey has consisted of a fair few ups and downs and a bit of a roller coaster ride in the middle. After I lost my mum to Cancer in 2005 my perspective on life and what’s important changed and I’ve grown in all areas of my life. I have two wonderful boys who light up my life, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to become a mother to them.
Here’s to another new journey! Another chapter. Appearance by Smitee.
My approach to appearance medicine is to keep facial features natural, so the enhancement and replacement of volume, blends with your look and suits your face. I have found with injectables, small amounts of filler placed carefully on certain areas of the face is glamourizing, hydrating and freshening.
I love fine tuning skin care regimens. Small changes can make all the difference. To keep your skin functioning & looking its best, the application of well formulated products are important to protect, replenish, repair and hydrate your skin. This in turn, will allow make up to sit better on the skin, improving texture & radiance.
What you apply on your skin now will determine your skin condition 10 – 20 years from now.
It’s fulfilling for me to be able to make a difference in someone’s confidence, even if it’s a little difference. So the feel-good confidence that grows with freshening your appearance will shine on the inside as well as the outside, like beams of light on the skin – that’s Radiance and your skin will glow 😊
My plan is to continue consulting & educating my clients on how to look after their skin, and I hope to send out a positive message, so everyone feels empowered to look after their own skin now and for the rest of their lives.
Keep Shining, stay positive and get glowing.
Smitee x