Spring is finally here, and the skin has had some cool weathering during the Winter months. Skin is tired and dry, due to frosts and transitions from chilly to heated areas.
In Spring the skin needs more care and attention. It’s time to take special care. Some common concerns during winter leading into spring include – redness, dryness, sensitivity and allergies, which can make your skin look dull, dry and feel flat. Your skin type determines visible changes as weathering happens, which may trigger skin conditions such as Eczema & Dermatitis during the cooler months. Hormonal changes and lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet, outdoor activities can contribute to the functioning and appearance of your skin as well.
Replenishing your skin’s moisture reservoir will help restore hydration levels. Improvements can be made with the application of the right products, treatments and advice. This in turn can change the look of your skin and everything just looks and feels better!
Any physical skin treatments will respond better if your skin is in good condition & functioning well. Improving barrier function will reduce the chance of irritation and can improve the skin’s overall sensitivity (if you have sensitive/problematic skin).
There are products that can help build immunity and strengthen your skin. These super charged products, with well formulated ingredients, will give your skin an antioxidant hit. It’s like giving your skin a good workout. If you are not already using topical antioxidants, it is a good time to start. Within 3 weeks most people see a positive change and an improvement in at least one of the following – smoother skin texture, hydration levels, fading of pigmentation and an increased radiance and glow.
If your wear make-up, your application will become smoother, and with the fading of discoloration, you may not need to apply as much foundation to cover those bothersome blemishes. Yay for that!
Do you suffer from dull skin, or lack of lustre and glow? Let me help you to energise your skin by giving you your glow and radiance back. It’s what I love to do & I’m results focused.
Anti wrinkle treatment coupled with good skin care can lead to amazing results.
We can rejig your regimen to make overall improvements. It’s all about how you are looking after your skin, how are you protecting your skin and what you are feeding it? What you do now will show in 10-20 years’ time.
During my experience in the Aesthetic industry,I have found that the skins condition and function ultimately tells all. Prevention and protection is key in our New Zealand environment.
A few changes can make a big difference!
Keep an eye out for my next blog: Signs of Ageing and Photo-damage
Smitee x
“Your skin glows when you smile”